- I never have the time to come to where you are. Is it possible for us to talk through TeleTherapy from the very first meeting?
You must make the first meeting face to face. If the therapist decides that face-to-face therapy is more appropriate, you must continue this way for a while as you must be in the clinic for certain exercises or practices. It may be required to use some tools and/or computerized exercises.
- I don't want to go out in public, I have panic attacks and social phobia. Would it be good for me to receive TeleTherapy?
Going out, exercises on the street, and daily tasks are very important in such conditions. So face-to-face meeting is very effective. The therapist will make a decision later on in this regard in compulsory situations.
- Can we use TeleTherapy for family therapy?
Family therapy must be made face-to-face, especially in circumstances where at least 2 people must be together such as husband and wife, mother and daughter/son or daughter/son-in-law (as the number increases, face-to-face meetings must be made). However when private meetings are required with spouses, TeleTherapy may be used (with the approval of the therapist)
- I am shy about discussing sexual matters face-to-face. Is it possible for me to use TeleTherapy?
Many people find it uncomfortable to discuss sexual matters in the beginning. However, one of the purposes of sexual therapy is to overcome this difficulty. Using TeleTherapy for such purpose doesn't solve your problem. On the contrary, the problem persists. A face-to-face meeting with the therapist will be the first step in overcoming this difficulty. This is why we recommend you to start with a face-to-face meeting. TeleTherapy may be used in circumstances where the ongoing therapy shouldn't be interrupted or applications must be followed up.